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Čech, Viktor

Florin Granwehr (1942–2019)

Obálka knihy Florin Granwehr (1942–2019)

Nakladatelství: Machart
cena: 399,- Kč
stran: 56
vyšlo: 2024

EAN: 9788076561090


První obsáhlejší monografii výtvarníka Florina Granwehra (1942-2019), která přichází na český knižní trh. Monografie je publikována v anglickém jazyce.

Florin Granwehr (1942–2019) was an important figure in the Switzerland and especially Zurich art scene from the 1970s to the early 21st century. Most viewers will mainly encounter his work in the outdoor spaces of Swiss cities, where he created a number of objects. These works of his are based upon the precise technical realization of elegant geometric “poems.” But they are only the tip of the iceberg that is the artist’s extensive work, comprising sets of objects and a number of drawings. His work was based on the heritage of Zurich Concretism. However, his unique creative thinking took him far beyond the boundaries of Modernism. In his work, we can observe a very consistent direction towards a complex and unique grasp of his own work, which culminated in his late project of defining his own creative theorem.



Obálka titulu Andy Warhol - Gigant Andy Warhol - Gigant

Pouze jediné vydání knihy Andy Warhol: Gigant je mimořádným nakladatelským počinem, který by neměl uniknout žádnému milovníku moderního výtvarného umění a životního stylu, který Andy Warhol ztělesňoval. Obří svazek měří 43 x 33 cm a váží 7,5 kg !!!

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